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  5. Hardware selection with colour selection

Hardware selection with colour selection

Create a colour selection to define a colour after selecting hardware in the input of elements.

Define hardware supplier

  • On the home screen, click "User Database" > "Supplier".
  • Select the hardware supplier.
  • On the "Basic data" tab, select "Is hardware supplier":
  • Click "Save" and "Close".

Define colours in the article data

  • On the home screen, click "User database" > "Article data".
  • Select the hardware supplier.
  • Create a new hardware article (see "Article data"). Avoid special characters in the article number.
  • On the "Prices" tab, right-click on the free space to open the context menu.
    • Select "New" to add a new colour:
    • In the next window, select the colour in the "Colour" field:
    • Under "Number", enter the exact article number of the article, add a space and then enter the exact colour number from the "Colour" field.
    • Enter the remaining data and click "OK".
  • On the "Prices" tab, right-click on the free space to open the context menu and select "New" to add more colours to the colour selection.
  • Click "Save" and "Close".

Define colours in the hardware data

  • Click "User Database" on the home screen and select the respective hardware menu.
  • Select the hardware supplier.
  • Select the hardware article.
  • On the "Articles" tab, leave the "Possible colours" area empty.
  • On the "Articles" tab, in the "Articles" area, right-click on the free space to open the context menu and select "New":
  • In the next window, select the article with the defined colours.
  • Click "Save" and "Close".

Colour selection in the input of elements

  • Create a position.
  • In the "Hardware" section, select the hardware:
  • Select the hardware article created before and click "Next":
  • Select the colour for the hardware article in the following colour selection:
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