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  4. Position library

Position library

In the position library, you can create templates for frequently used positions.

Create position template

  • On the home screen, click "Programs" > "Position Library":
  • In the position library, click "New" to create a new position:
  • Enter the "Type" and "Description" for the position:
  • The following steps are similar to those of the input of elements. Follow the program flow and complete the input.

Using a position template from the library

  • Open the project environment.
  • In the "Start" tab, click "New" and select "Position":
  • In the following window, enter the data for the new position.
  • Under "Type", select "Load library position" and click "OK":
  • In the following window, select a position template.
  • In the following window, you can adjust the position. Among other options, you can modify the total and partial dimensions, define new finishes and change the glazing:
  • Click "OK". The position appears in the position list in the project environment:
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