MES Changelog

The following additions and corrections were made in the latest MES update.

3105, 2024


Friday, 31. May 2024|

in combination with program version

  • WebAPI and MES service addresses are correctly applied again during the MES update.
  • The "Do not display the last editing step as a list" option can be used again.
  • Filters can be used again.
  • The Schüco machine interface can be updated again without entering user data.
  • MES can be updated again.
  • During the MES update, the "Update Cache" folder is automatically created again.
2812, 2022

MES Changelog

Wednesday, 28. December 2022|

  • The sorting of the production steps now also remains the same for derived workstations.
  • Missing parts can be combined again.
  • Machine interfaces now react correctly when the machine sends only one completion signal for a part.
  • It is possible to scroll through the project list in the shopfloor manager
  • The connection to the Web API when submitting a FPC message has been corrected.
  • Production steps that can be processed without all predecessors are now displayed correctly in the list of production steps even when returning stocks.
  • Barcodes can be scanned again, even if the option "Show placing steps" is enabled.
712, 2022

MES Changelog

Wednesday, 7. December 2022|

  • In the search dialog, the last production step for a scanned barcode is displayed again.
  • The search dialog displays the correct stock information, even if the stock has not yet been forwarded.
  • The document list in the terminal on the right side of the screen now displays entire file names with a line break.
  • When using two terminals in combination with the "Required Parts" dialog, the refresh has been corrected.
  • The update process informs the user of any error that occurs during the copy process.
  • In the project information in the terminal, the fabrication unit is now also left-aligned.
  • The dashboard displays the correct project status in the provision overview.
  • EluCloud connections are logged accordingly in the log file.
  • In the stock terminal, notifications are displayed correctly again.
  • In the shopfloor manager, the search works again.
  • The messenger works again after the update.
  • When a user was selected, the Messenger now starts with the selected user.
  • FPC messages can be entered again.
  • Barcodes can be scanned again, even if the option "Do not display the last processing step in a list format" is enabled.
  • Printing from the terminal has been optimised.
1909, 2022

MES Changelog

Monday, 19. September 2022|

  • The communication between the MES service and the WebAPI is now more efficient. The update button in the project overview of the Shopfloor Manager is functional again.
  • In the Shopfloor Manager, finishing projects automatically has been corrected.
  • The filter function in the terminal displays the correct filter results even during placing steps.
  • Writing configuration files after the update has been corrected.
  • The manual printing of documents in the terminal has been corrected.
  • The function "Stock registration via barcode" in the terminal has been corrected.
  • The "required parts" dialog in the terminal is now displayed correctly.
2806, 2022

MES Changelog

Tuesday, 28. June 2022|

  • The management of residual lengths and alternative machines has been improved.
  • "Piece with cutting"-articles can now be ignored when exporting to the MES.
  • The set image format is now always displayed correctly in the printout.


  • Further functions for displaying the entries have been added to the provision overview.
  • In the provision overview, projects can be provided with notes, which can also be divided into colour categories.
  • The assembly name can be added to MES barcode labels.
  • The search dialogue in the terminal has been newly developed and contains more information.
  • FPC reports in the MES can now be generated for special FPC types (system and free FPC).
  • The terminal displays information about residual lengths available on another saw.


  • The filter in the terminal opens faster.
  • The dialogue for "required parts" loads faster.
  • Barcode scans have been optimised in the terminal.
  • The processing of EluCloud signals has been improved.
  • The completion of a fabrication step in the terminal has been optimised.
  • Notifications in the terminal appear faster and work with alternative saws in combination with the option "Show placing steps".
  • The stock behaviour in combination with residual lengths has been improved.
  • The stock terminal and the automatic stock system are now working together.
  • The automatic completion of projects in the shopfloor manager works again.
  • Job numbers are displayed again in the filter.
  • The workflow for alternative saws with different successors has been adapted.
  • In the dashboard in the project overview, placing steps are no longer taken into account.
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