
  1. Home
  2. Basics
  3. Input of elements
  4. Element
  5. Profile extensions

Profile extensions

  • Open a position.
  • In the "Element" section, on the "Edit" tab, click "Profile extensions":
  • A new window opens.

Apply profile extensions to all mullions

  • Click "All":
  • Enter the dimension for the bottom extension:
  • The bottom extension is applied to all mullions:

Apply profile extension to individual mullions

  • Click "Individual":
  • In the position drawing, click the mullion for the profile extension. To select multiple mullions, hold down the CTRL key and click the required mullions:
  • In the "Profile extension" window, enter the dimension for the bottom extension and click "Apply".

Apply profile extensions to insertion profiles

  • Select "Profile extension separately for insertion profile" to apply profile extensions to insertion profiles.
  • Enter the dimension in the text box and click "Apply". The profile extension is displayed in the position drawing:

Edit profile extensions

  • In the position drawing, right-click the profile extension.
  • From the context menu, select "Edit" > "Extension":
  • Change the data for the profile extension.

Remove profile extensions

  • Click "Remove" to remove all profile extensions in the position:
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