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  2. Basics
  3. Curtain walls
  4. Material packages

Material packages

  • Open a position.
  • In the "Element" section, on the "Edit" tab, click "Material packages":
  • The following window opens:

Add material package to all mullions

  • Click "All" to add a material package to all mullions:
  • Select the reference for positioning the material package:
  • Under "Position", enter the dimensions for the positioning of the material package.
  • Select a material package and click "OK". The material package is displayed in the position drawing with this symbol:
  • On the "View" tab, select "Material package data" to add a label with further information to the material package icon:

Label with material package data:

Add material package to single mullion

  • Click "Individual" to add a material package to a single mullion:
  • In the position drawing, click the mullion:
  • In the next window, click "Add" and enter the data in the area above.

Copy material package

  • In the position drawing, right-click a mullion.
  • In the context menu, under "Copy", select "Material package":
  • In the position drawing, right-click the mullion to which you want to add the material package.
  • From the context menu, under "Insert", select "Material package":

Delete all material packages

  • Click "Delete" to delete all material packages in the position:

Delete single material package

  • In the position drawing, right-click the mullion where you want to delete the material package.
  • In the context menu, under "Delete", select "Material package":
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