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  3. Input of elements
  4. Additional articles
  5. Formulas for additional articles

Formulas for additional articles

You can use formulas to place additional articles.

  • Open a position in the "Additional articles" section.
  • On the "Edit" tab, click "Additional articles".
  • Enter the formula under "Formula":
  • The following variables are available for inserting formulas:

TW Total Width
TH Total Height
PW Partial Width
PH Partial Height
H (Height) Rebate dimension in height of the insertion (seq. no. of the insertion)
W (Width) Rebate dimension in width of the insertion (seq. no. of the insertion)
A Area
WxAy Lift and slide door
W2A1 & W2A2 Rebate to centre of the insertion

  • For partial widths, enter the field number.
  • The field numbers always refer to the interior view and start at the bottom left.
    • Interior view:
    • Exterior view:
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