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  3. Grid price list

Grid price list

With the grid price list, you can display complex price structures in a table. In this table, the prices for positions are estimated and displayed based on different width and height dimensions.

  • On the home screen, click "Programs" > "Grid price list":

Create grid price list

  • Click "Create a new grid price list":
  • Enter a name for the grid price list:
  • If necessary, select a profile system from your favourites.
  • Select a system, gasket variant and glazing bead variant and, if necessary, a subsystem and click "OK". The input of elements opens.
  • In the next step, create the position. The following steps are identical to the input of elements.
  • After you have created the position, define the dimension ranges for height and width and enter the increment in which the prices will be estimated:
  • Select a fixed partial width and/or height to avoid automatically calculating certain areas of the position based on the total width and/or height.
  • Click "OK" to generate the grid price list.

Estimate grid price list

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list":
  • Select the position.
  • Click "Estimate grid price list":
  • Define the estimation data and follow the further course of the program.
  • Select the price fields to display on the printout:
  • If necessary, select the option "Prices incl. VAT".
  • Click "OK". The printout with the estimation results is generated:

Display grid price list

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Select the position.
  • Click "Display grid price list":
  • Select the price fields to display on the printout:
  • If necessary, select the option "Prices incl. VAT".
  • Click "OK". The printout with the estimation results is generated:

Display an already estimated grid price list

  • Click "Display an already estimated grid price list":
  • Select the position.
  • Select the price fields to display on the printout.
  • If necessary, select the option "Prices incl. VAT".
  • Click "OK". The printout with the estimation results is generated.

Edit grid price list

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Select the position.
  • Click "Edit grid price list":
  • Double-click a price entry in the grid price list:
  • Enter a new price for the glass and for the element:
  • Click "OK" to apply the modification.

Round prices

  • Click "Round prices":
  • Select how to round the prices:
  • Click "OK" to round all prices in the grid price list.

Export grid price list to Excel

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Select the position.
  • Click "Excel":
  • Select the price fields to display in Excel:
  • If necessary, select the option "Prices incl. VAT".
  • Click "OK". The printout with the estimation results is opened in Excel:

Edit grid price list position

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Select the position.
  • Click "Edit position". A context menu opens below the button:
  • Click "Modify dimensions" to change the height, width, and increments of the grid price list.
  • Click "Modify position" to open and edit the position in the input of elements.
  • Click "New position" to re-enter the position in the input of elements.
  • Click "Modify glazing" to open the position in the input of element and change the glazing.

Copy grid price list

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Select the position.
  • Click "Copy":
  • Enter a name for the new grid price list.

Export grid price list

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Select the grid price list to export.
  • Click "Export":
  • Save the export file to your system.

Import grid price list

  • Click "Modify an existing grid price list".
  • Click "Import":
  • Select the import file on your system and click "Open".
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