
  1. Home
  2. Basics
  3. Cross section
  4. Create sections

Create sections

Set section points

  • On the "Start" tab, click "Set section points":
  • In the position drawing, click two profiles to mark the section area.
  • On the "Start" tab, click "Perform section":
  • The marked area will be selected for the cross section.

Perform cut to line

  • On the "Start" tab, click "Perform cut to line":
  • In the position drawing, click the left mouse button to define the start point of the section line and then click to define the end point:
  • The cross section will be displayed.

Perform cross section

  • On the "Start" tab, click "Perform cross section":
  • Left-click in the position drawing:
  • The horizontal and vertical cross sections will be displayed.
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