Software version 11.4

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  4. Machine Setup
  5. Saw Setup

Saw Setup

In this documentation you will learn how to set up a saw. If you have any questions on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact our support center staff.

Click on "CNC Database" in the file menu and select "CNC Company Standard".

Click on the "New" button in the upper area.

Enter the name in the following window and select the option "Saw interface" under Type.

The window with the saw characteristics opens.

Settings "General"

In the tab „General" you can make the following settings:

At "Description" you will find the name of the saw. You have already entered this when creating the saw.

At "Directory for CNC-File" enter the directory in which the saw file is to be saved when it is created.

To ensure that your saw works properly, select the appropriate saw format at "Format".

If the folder contents of the output directory are to be deleted before creating a new saw file, activate the option "Delete output directory before creating".

After creating a saw file, the saving location can be opened directly. To do this, activate the option "Open output directory after creating".

Furthermore, you can set how the bars are to be arranged. At "Bar sorting" select either the option "Sort bars with usable residual length to the end", "Sort bars with largest segments to front" or "Sort cut profiles by order of positions".

If you want to cut short lengths on a saw first, activate the option "Cut short lengths on a bar first".

Directly below this, you can restrict the value from which short lengths are to be machined.

Settings "Tags"

By default, the labels are generated via the saw format and printed out on the saw with a label printer.

If you would like to use individual labels, you can define the structure and layout at the "Tags" tab.

Press the "Insert Field" button and select the placeholders that you want to display on the tag.

In the bottom field you can define the tag data especially for residual lengths.

You can also obtain detailed information about tags and the format from your machine manufacturer.

Settings "Saw format"

On the tab "Saw format" you can define the properties for the name and format of the saw file.

At "File Name Type" you can define how the output file is named when saved. If you select the "Fixed Name" type, you can specify it directly in the "File Name" text box below.

Furthermore, the following options are also available for the file names:

  • Job Number
  • "A" + seq. Job number (The letter A is displayed before the sequential Job number)
  • "R" + seq. Job number (The letter R is displayed before the sequential Job number)
  • Project Name
  • Job + seq. Job number
  • "KARTE" + seq. Job number (The word „KARTE" is displayed before the sequential Job number)
  • Project Name + seq. Job number
  • Fixed Name + seq. Job number
  • Job Number 4 Characters + seq. Number 4 Characters

In addition, depending on the saw type, you can also enter the "Number of trays", "Mirror second line" and " Enable pusher" in this tab.

If you want to transfer double-cuts, please activate the "Transfer double-cuts" option.

Under "Saw file field assignments" you can define an "assignment" by double clicking on an entry.

Settings "Printouts"

On the tab "Printouts" you can determine which reports are to be generated when the saw file is created.

Activate the option "Optimisation Tags" if you want to print the labels already in the work planning when creating the saw file. More about optimisation tags.

Settings "Restrictions"

On the "Restrictions" tab, you can define further conditions for cutting.

Besides the minimum bar and cut length, you can also define the maximum cut length for the profiles to be processed on the saw.

Directly below, you can define free values for the minimum and maximum cutting angle.

If you only want to cut at an angle of 45° or 90°, you can also activate the option "45 or 90 degree angles only". In addition, the option "In main clamp orientation 45 or 90 degree angles only" is available here.

If you want to lengthen and butt cut profiles depending on the angle, you can activate the function below and enter the corresponding angles and lengths.

You can also use the functions "Unequal 45° or 90° lengthen by" and "90 degree cut for all other angles" by activating them.

Settings "Settings"

In the menu "Settings" you can define even more extensive modifications for your saw.

To ensure correct cutting optimisation, enter a value for the "Deduction for the saw blade" in this tab.

If, due to technical circumstances, end trimming must be assigned to a saw, you can also enter this in this tab.

The "End deductions start" and "End" are compared with the end deductions that are deposited with the manufacturer or your coater. The higher value is used.

Note: The minimum deduction dimension must always be at least 20mm. If you enter a lower value, the program will use 20mm by default to determine the cutting optimisation.

At "View" you enter whether the angle should be displayed "From left" or "From right".

At "Barcode config" you set which data is displayed on the barcode. Right next to it you can determine the barcode "Type". The following standards are available: EAN8, EAN13 with and without check digit, Code39 with and without check digit.

Furthermore, you can activate the functions "Double cutting for frames/sashes" and "Single cutting allowed for last bar" here.

If you want to cut glazing beads of the same length in one step, you can activate "Double cutting for glazing beads".

Under "Number of trolleys" enter the number of trolleys to be used. Directly next to it you can determine whether "Different trolleys for frame and sashes" are used.

You can enter the "Number of boxes" in the following entry field.

Settings "Profile orientation"

Within the settings for the profile orientation, you define how the profiles are positioned on the sawing table and which sawing direction is used.

By default, the profiles are provided with an automatically determined clamping position.

If you still want to change the clamping position, you can change the settings at this tab.

In the sketch at the top left you can see a view of the current settings on the saw table.

By default, the view is displayed with a schematic profile. However, under „Reference profile" you can also show an article from your database.

If you activate the „Standard orientation specified" option, you can change the underlying settings for the standard orientation. The changes you make here are displayed live in the view.

With the „Saw cut direction" you can determine whether the saw blade starts „from back" or „from bottom".

At „Fence" you can choose between „Outside" and „Inside".

With the „Leg" option, you can choose between „Top (front)" and „Bottom (back)".

At „Angle reference" you can make further settings.

At "Main angle" you can choose between „Front view" or „Top view".

In case of "Front view reference 45°" you can consider the view "From bottom" or "From top".

At "Top view reference 45°" you can set the view to "From front" or "From back".

The type allows you to choose between "double mitre", "single blade (V-V >45-135)" and "single blade (do not rotate profile)".

If you want to display the complementary angle, activate the corresponding function.

You can choose between three options at "Dim/Definition: Optimisation / Cutting list": A-outer length, B-inner length and C-total length. How they are arranged can be seen in the preview.

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