
in combination with program version WebAPI and MES service addresses are correctly applied again during the MES update. The "Do not display the last editing step as a list" option can be used again. Filters can be used again. The Schüco machine interface can be updated again without entering [...]

MES Changelog

The sorting of the production steps now also remains the same for derived workstations. Missing parts can be combined again. Machine interfaces now react correctly when the machine sends only one completion signal for a part. It is possible to scroll through the project list in the shopfloor manager The [...]

MES Changelog

In the search dialog, the last production step for a scanned barcode is displayed again. The search dialog displays the correct stock information, even if the stock has not yet been forwarded. The document list in the terminal on the right side of the screen now displays entire file names [...]

MES Changelog

The communication between the MES service and the WebAPI is now more efficient. The update button in the project overview of the Shopfloor Manager is functional again. In the Shopfloor Manager, finishing projects automatically has been corrected. The filter function in the terminal displays the correct filter results even during [...]

MES Changelog

The management of residual lengths and alternative machines has been improved. "Piece with cutting"-articles can now be ignored when exporting to the MES. The set image format is now always displayed correctly in the printout. Features Further functions for displaying the entries have been added to the provision overview. In [...]

MES Changelog

The dashboard now displays the version of the dashboard and the version of the MES API. The terminals in the Shopfloor Manager are now sorted alphanumerically. A selected filter now remains active even if the workstation is changed at the terminal. Timed maintenance FPC are executed correctly again. Settings in [...]

MES Changelog

FPC-messages in the MES FPC-report are displayed correctly again. The FPC history is displayed again. In the FPC query, the input of decimals as nominal values works again. Navigating back to alternative workstations in presentation mode works again. The visualisation of the workstation name in the terminal has been adjusted. [...]

MES Changelog

Notification management has been optimised. The performance of the database has been improved. The diagnostic tool displays alternative production steps correctly again. The steps in the successor relation between two saws with the setting "Show placing steps" are displayed correctly again. In the Shopfloor Manager, the new function "Show progress [...]

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