The table must be filled in differently. It dependends on how you work and how you calculate approach in your company.
If you only use the database internal for costs and work preperation you should enter net purchase prices in the price column.
If you want to distribute the database to your customers, we recommend that you use brutto sales prices.
Profiles can be estimated in Logikal per length or per weight. Estimate profiles by weight. Please enter „0.00" as price per unit (column E), „kg" as quantity unit (column H) and do not forget to enter the weight per meter (column X).
If you roll profiles yourself, this also applies to the individual half shells of a profile.
If you calculate profiles via length, please enter the price per metre (column E) and the unit of measure (column H) „Metre".
The packing unit for profiles is set to the standard value 1.
If you purchase articles from different manufacturers or discount merchandise groups differently in sales, it makes sense to combine these articles into discount groups (column I). For example, you can enter an object discount for an article group in a large order. We recommend at least the subdivision into „Profiles", „Accessories", „ Gasket" and „Hardware".