The following additions and corrections were made in the latest update.
2203, 2024
- The structural analysis data of curtain wall positions can be opened again via the context menu – "Edit"- "Statics data".
- Curtain wall positions can be glazed again.
- In the input of elements, Curtain wall positions can be finished again.
- Horizontal couplings can be entered again.
- French casement window insertions can be changed to sliding folding door insertions again.
- For positions with Renz mailbox systems, order documents that are not required are no longer automatically generated after finishing the input of elements.
- For positions with Rodenberg door panels, the system and the filling can be changed again.
- Positions with Rodenberg door panels can be copied again.
- Grid price lists can be edited again.
- On derived U-value reports the correct system is displayed again.
- When saving, exporting and loading CAD drawings, the file dialog opens the correct file path for the respective use case again.
- Machines can also be created when MES reports are available.
- The certification declaration in the U-value report has been extended to include the reference to the standard "EN ISO 10077-1:2017, corrected version 2020-02".
- In addition to the notified body, the number of the NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) is now displayed on the CE marking and the CE label.
- All text templates for printouts are now available in docx format.
- New machine format available for Murat Haffner SC220/40.
- The loading time for splitting positions has been reduced.
- The loading time of printouts, position drawings and cross sections in CAD have been reduced.
603, 2024
- Projects, archived projects and fabrication phases can be opened from the home screen again.
- Bar lengths, residual lengths, residual quantities and special lengths can be opened again.
- Project glass is now also applied to linked fabrication phases.
- After finishing the estimation in a network environment, positions are retained again.
- Projects can be deleted again.
- The dimensions for Adeco door panels are displayed correctly again.
- Job numbers and offer numbers can again be displayed via placeholders in filenames of printouts.
- For quotations, the page break is correct again.
- The printout for CE Mark Fire Protection is now available.
- In glass/panel orders and glass/panel requests, the glass thickness is displayed correctly again.
- When transferring a cross section to CAD, the settings for shown and hidden elements are applied correctly again.
- Project additional article macros can be copied and deleted again.
- The stability and performance have been optimised.
2602, 2024
- The EOS can be used again.
2102, 2024
- CNC machining and CNC groups are now also applied to linked fabrication phases.
- The machining of project wall connections is now also applied to linked fabrication phases.
- In the glass/panel order and glass/panel request, the name of the glass configuration is displayed correctly again.
- The U-values for positions with fly screens are calculated correctly again.
- Conservatories and cold roofs can be created again.
702, 2024
- Profiles with the clamp orientation status "Attached only" can be machined on the machining centre again.
- In the CNC company standard of Unilink CNC formats with and without cutting, the material analysis for depths can now be selected or deselected.